Il Giardino Di Amelia - Via Caccamo, 28 ACIREALE -


What to see in Sicily
23 May


SIRACUSA_VISTA_DALLAEREO_CON_LETNA_SULLO_SFONDO.FOTO_Di_AngeloSyracuse (IPA: [sirakuːza], Sarausa in Sicilian) is an Italian town of 122,316 inhabitants, capital of the province in Sicily.

Located on the southeast coast of the island, Syracuse has a long history: its foundation took place around the year 734-733 BC, by the Corinthians. It became the main polis of Greek Sicily, and vast metropolis classic of the Evo. [N 1] excelled in power and wealth with Athens, covering a major role in the development of culture in the ancient world. It was the birthplace of great artists and philosophers, giving birth to the one who is called the greatest scientist of antiquity: Archimedes. The city hosted inside influential people of ancient Greece; famous are the Plato travel to Syracuse, chosen by the Athenian philosopher to implement the model of the ideal state.

